Blitz (84/640)

From:Rob Hutchinson
Date:17 Aug 99 at 01:29:36
Subject:Re: 8svx sample compression

Hello Curt
Hiya, Curt... ,on 17-Aug-99 you mailed me about: 8svx sample compression! So I`ma reply`in...

> Hi Everyone,
> Does anybody know how to de-compress - or have some docs on the fibonacci
> (I hope I spelled it right) compression format used for iff/8svx samples?

No, but have you tried they usually have everything...
It would be cool if blitz could load them anyway, the compression on 8SVX
samples usually gets a good ratio (usually near as damn half size on most
samples).. Please let me know if ya have any success with it ;)

BTW - Thanks for the info on searching into libs for commands.. I cant be
arsed to reply seperately ;) I`m just of to do a bit of mootching on ya site

> Later...

Rob, | #ICQ:# 27181384
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#HOME OF:# /MorrisTheMaggot, BB2MUIUpdate, TimeSwipe, NIB,/
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[ "You're hit!" - Dawson "I got that part..." - Richie Ryan ]

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